Prosperity & Something Greater
This podcast is devoted to the understanding and attainment of prosperity or something even greater. Its sole focus is uncovering how successful, prosperous, happy people, see, understand, and define prosperity.
Prosperity & Something Greater
Ep. 16 | Think and Grow Rich: The Story of Napoleon Hill
Rem Jackson
Season 1
Episode 16
In 1937 Napoleon Hill published “Think and Grow Rich.” Arguably one the most influential personal development and self-improvement books ever written. Most of what has been written since 1937, in my opinion, is derivative of this remarkable book. And Napoleon Hill himself stands on the shoulders of James Allen in “As a Man Thinketh” as well as Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus and the stoics, Socrates and so many more.
His 17 Principles of Personal Achievement have been the guidepost and playbook for thousands of people who have reached the heights of business and personal success. This podcast episode explores several of the 17 principles in some detail.