Prosperity & Something Greater
This podcast is devoted to the understanding and attainment of prosperity or something even greater. Its sole focus is uncovering how successful, prosperous, happy people, see, understand, and define prosperity.
35 episodes
Ep. 35 | Rem Jackson: Final Podcast Episode: Happiness is a Choice
Thank you for coming along with me on this journey. I didn’t know what to expect when I started this podcast. I was certain it would be useful, interesting, and inspiring. I do have some experience with this after all. Membership in my company’...
Season 2
Episode 35

Ep. 34 | Daryl Browne: The Magic of Saying Yes, Enjoying Your Journey, and Finding Your Way
On the journey of our lives, we are always presented with choices. If we are open to this life and say yes to what comes our way, we have a chance to … maybe … see that small quiet road that might be filled with heart and joy for us instead ...
Season 2
Episode 34

Ep. 33 | Dr. Ebonie Vincent: Sharing our Abundant Blessings Creates Ever Deeper Prosperity
Living our lives, looking forward, and saying “yes” can lead to ever deeper abundance, health, wealth, love, and joy. And then, sharing that abundance almost magically creates even more abundance and prosperity. My guest on this ...
Season 2
Episode 33

Ep. 32 | Dr. David Thornburg: Family, Health, Invention and Teaching
The technology on your desktop and in your pocket was invented by…well… people. On this episode, you’re going to hear from one of them as he shares some fascinating stories from those times and reflects on the journey, family, health, and te...
Season 2
Episode 32

Ep. 31 | Dan Totaro: Enjoying Vigorous Healthy Growth
Dan Totaro has been working as a therapist, consultant, and educator for the last 40 years. He is currently a compassion fatigue and resiliency educator and works mostly with professional care providers such as Marriage and Family Therapists, S...
Season 2
Episode 31

Ep. 30 | Dr. Tyson Franklin: A Healthy Journey to Prosperity
Is finding wealth, and maintaining or restoring your health a path to prosperity? Dr. Tyson Franklin is a graduate of the Queensland University of Technology and over the past 30+ years, he has successfully opened more ...
Season 2
Episode 30

Ep. 29 | Dr. David Weiman: The Four Pillars of Prosperity
Health, freedom from worry, gratitude, and relationships with outstanding people. Are these the four pillars of prosperity? David Weiman is a psychologist and leadership consultant. He has been working for over 25 years with ...
Season 2
Episode 29

Ep. 28 | Dr. Hartley Miltchin: Finding Prosperity Through Balance in Your Life
Is prosperity found in our lives through the pursuit of balance in our health, work, family, and interests? How important is fun and a pursuit of joy in our prosperity? My guest on this episode is Dr. Hartley Miltchin. He’s ...
Season 2
Episode 28

Ep. 27 | Dr. Larry Anderson: The Power of the Seed: Planting Seeds in the Lives of Others That Make All the Difference
Who has planted seeds in your life that have changed you? In whose life have you planted seeds that allowed them to grow and blossom? My guest on this episode is Dr. Larry Anderson. Larry is the Founder and CEO of the ...
Season 2
Episode 27

Ep. 26 | Rod Haenke: Living the Life You Were Meant to Live
Becoming comfortable with who you really are. Peeling off the layers and living a life more authentic to who you truly are. Finding more success and fulfillment by just being “real” with those we both love and work with. ...
Season 2
Episode 26

Ep. 25 | E. Dollie Wolverton: Prosperity Through a Lifetime of Serving Others
Choose carefully the hills you’re willing to die on. Find the win/win in everything you. In all things, find the positiveness and blessings.My guest on this episode is E. Dollie Wolverton. Dollie’s entire career has been in publi...
Season 2
Episode 25

Ep. 24 | Neil Baum, MD: When You Reach the Top of the Ladder Will It Be Facing the Wrong Wall
Finding balance in our lives is never easy. Not for any of us. Yet, some people seem to have figured it out. They’ve cracked the code. And if you listen carefully they often try to share how they did it so we can follow their path to prosperity...
Season 2
Episode 24

Ep. 23 | Landon Ray: Having Happy Healthy Hours To Do More Of What We Want
How do you spend your time? Do you, as so many do, say you value time with your loved ones more than anything, but when pressed, you would have to say they are not actually your top priority? My guest is Landon Ray, the CEO &...
Season 2
Episode 23

Ep. 22 | Sharon Lopez: Prosperity: Bringing Love to Life
Can we view prosperity as bringing love to life? My guest on this episode is Sharon Lopez. Sharon is an attorney who represents workers and plaintiffs in employment law, discrimination, and police misconduct cases. She is the man...
Season 2
Episode 22

Ep. 21 | Dr. Jane Graebner: A Day of Kindness and Making a Difference in the World
Could prosperity be as simple as making the choice to be kind? My guest for this episode is Dr. Jane Graebner. She is a podiatrist who practices in Delaware, Ohio. She is one of the earliest and longest-tenured Top Practices memb...
Season 2
Episode 21
Ep. 20 | Dr. Marybeth Crane: Deciding What Time You Want to Get up in the Morning and Having a Purpose When You Do
Have you ever thought - I’d like to retire when I’m still young? Maybe your early 50’s or earlier? In 2007 I met Dr. Marybeth Crane and she became one of the earliest and most successful Top Practices members in the history...
Season 2
Episode 20

Ep. 19 | Captain David Marquet: Prosperity - “It’s about controlling the bottom half of the equation."
David Marquet (MAR-KAY) was assigned to command the nuclear-powered submarine USS Santa Fe, then ranked last in retention and operational standing. He “turned the ship around” by treating the crew as leaders, not followers, and giving control, ...
Season 2
Episode 19

Ep. 18 | Quarantine. Pandemic. Vaccines. Polio. Family.
This third and final installment of the mini-series has had some twists and turns as it came to life. It started in mid-march when the COVID-19 epidemic was obviously going to impact the United States and San Francisco became the first Major US...
Season 1
Episode 18

Ep. 17 | Your Inner Six-Year-Old: Change Your Life Forever
What if this Saturday you could drive up to your childhood home and pick up your six-year-old self so the two of you could spend the day together? What would that be like? What would that mean to you? Maybe there is still time....
Season 1
Episode 17

Ep. 16 | Think and Grow Rich: The Story of Napoleon Hill
In 1937 Napoleon Hill published “Think and Grow Rich.” Arguably one the most influential personal development and self-improvement books ever written. Most of...
Season 1
Episode 16

Ep. 15 | Smile When You Wake Up, and Then Have a Really Great Day. Nothing Is More Important.
How do you define prosperity? What can trip you up on your journey? What tools or strategies do you use to stay focused and moving forward?This is the final episode of Season 1. In this episode, I share my thoughts about wh...
Season 1
Episode 15

Ep. 14 | Jay Henderson: Clear Visions, Dedicated Routines, and Overcoming Ourselves
Why might someone convince themselves to be the best in the world for what they do? And yes, I did say, the best in the world.Jay Henderson has spent years helping business owners create a team of Superstars so they can achieve m...
Season 1
Episode 14

Ep. 13 | Dr. John Guiliana: Living the Exact Life That You, at One Time, Only Dreamt About
Is success a process and not a status? Is prosperity also a process and not a status? Are you living the exact life that, at one time, you only dreamt of? And do you have an obsessive passion to achieve those dreams? Dr. Jo...
Season 1
Episode 13

Ep. 12 | Dave Frees: Making Life Choices That Serve You and Bring You Happiness
If asked would you say you are voluntarily interdependent or co-dependent with others in your life? Can you choose who you work with or serve? How clear are you about what you truly want?Dave Frees is an
Season 1
Episode 12

Ep. 11 | Dr. John Gould: Opening Up Our Hearts, Minds, and Wills
How do we open up our minds to allow all forms of information to come in? How can we open up our hearts in order to understand at a visceral level what life is about at any given moment? How do we open up our will to allow future possibiliti...
Season 1
Episode 11